Yes, Martin Luther King Jr. experienced a degree of nervousness and anxiety about public speaking, especially during his early years. Despite his eventual reputation as a powerful and charismatic orator, King initially struggled with the fear of public speaking. He...
Fear of public speaking, known as glossophobia, is a common and natural reaction that many people experience. There are several reasons why people might be afraid of public speaking: Fear of Judgement: One of the primary reasons people fear public speaking is the fear...
One of the tell-tale signs of a nervous speaker is the use of filler words. Filler words are words or phrases that are used in speaking to fill in gaps or pauses, or to fill up time while thinking of what to say next. Examples of filler words include “um,”...
Imagine how easy life would be without any public speaking anxiety. Can you imagine just swanning onto the stage with the effortless ease of Barrack Obama every time you were asked to speak? Well, if you ever want to be that person, I have have some good news and...
If you want to more public speaking confidence, the first thing you need to do is top trying to be calm. The secret to being more confident on stage IS NOT to get rid of your nerves. Have you ever seen an athlete being interviewed after competing in the olympics....